Notodiputro, Khairil Anwar and Sardjunani, Nina and Syam, Nur and Hendarman, Hendarman and Indriyanto, Bambang Review of a decade of gender mainstreaming in education in Indonesia. Ministry of Education and Culture, Jakarta. ISBN 9789793764924

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In the last decade, Indonesia has come a long way in improving gender equity, in promoting gender equality, and in mainstreaming gender in our legislation, policies, strategies and programs. In education, it is well known that substantial progress has been made in closing gender gaps in participation. Indonesia is on track to meet the Millennium Development Goals for universal primary education and gender parity. Gender parity has now been largely achieved at all levels of the education system, and there is parity in literacy rates for our young people (15-24 age group). We are confident that the foundations for equitable access are firmly established, and we are determined that gender equity will be maintained. At the same time we continue to strive to eliminate some remaining pockets of inequity – for example, lower girls’ enrolment in some Eastern regions, and persistent drop out for boys, particularly among the poor, at senior secondary level.

Item Type: Book
Subjects: Pendidikan > Sekolah > Literasi
Pendidikan > Sekolah > Kurikulum
Pendidikan > Pendidikan Nonformal dan Informal > Pendidikan Kesetaraan
Divisions: Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan > Sekretariat Badan Standar Kurikulum dan Asesmen Pendidikan
Depositing User: Annisarti Siregar
Date Deposited: 15 Oct 2018 09:06
Last Modified: 15 Oct 2018 09:06

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