Sedyawati, Edi (1996) Compilation of paper (1993-1995). Directorate General of Culture, Jakarta. ISBN 9799506808

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The motto put on The Republic of Indonesia's national emblem is bhinneka tunggal ika, which means "diverse, and yet united". It refers to the cultural diversity of the many ethnic groups within the Indonesian state. Each ethnic group has had its own historical background. With in those histories there were acculturations processes, whenever a strong foreign culture is intruding, or pushing hard into each respective culture.There were acculturation processes in different regions of Indonesia when the Hindu and Buddhist religions of India came to be known and adopted in Indonesia. There were also such processes when Islam came to be adopted in the archipelago. Other great acculturation processes that happened in almost all parts of Indonesia were that with the European culture. These processes used to happen in different intensity within each region. Possibly, we may say that this last acculturation with European culture is still undergoing. However, now it happened within a single united platform, the Indonesian new nation as a whole.

Item Type: Book
Subjects: Pendidikan > Sekolah
Pendidikan > Bahasa dan Kesusatraan
Pendidikan > Kebudayaan
Pendidikan > Kebudayaan > Penelitian kebudayaan
Divisions: Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan
Depositing User: Sekretariat Ditjen Kebudayaan
Date Deposited: 09 Mar 2019 04:09
Last Modified: 09 Mar 2019 04:09

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