Kementerian, Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (2014) Study on teacher absenteeism in Indonesia 2014. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta.


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This national study on teacher absenteeism comes at a time of change as we review the current education practices and adopt new strategies and policies to improve the performance of the education sector in Indonesia, particularly with regards to improving the teaching and learning in classrooms to ensure that the adequate level of knowledge, skills and attitudes are acquired by the nation’s youth. The timing is particularly important because of the increased competitiveness that will undoubtedly result from Indonesia’s participation in the Asean Economic Community (ACD) starting from 2015. Students will need the skills to enable them to participate productively in the economy, to fi ll skills gaps in the changing labour market, as well as to develop “smart” citizens with good character to contribute to a socially harmonious nation. As such, the fi ndings of the Teacher Absenteeism Study provide valuable insights on the need to reform teacher performance and student learning. At the very least, we have to ensure that teachers are in the classrooms doing what they are tasked to do.
This study indicates that Indonesia has achieved signifi cant progress over the past ten years in reducing the absence of teachers from schools from 19 percent in a national sample of schools surveyed in 2003 to 9.8 percent in the same schools in 2014. The study also reveals that there is a continuing challenge to make sure that teachers are present and eff ective in teaching in the classroom.
The non-class teaching role of teachers needs to be clarifi ed and the school environment needs to better encourage and support teachers to use their time outside of class more productivity – for the benefi t of improving student learning. Here the role of the school principal is crucial in managing the teachers and providing professional support for teaching eff ectiveness and achieving optimum student learning outcomes.
The Study also indicates that issues of teacher deployment – the geographical distribution of teachers in the system – needs urgent review since teacher absenteeism is one of the symptoms of a broader challenge of the inequitable geographical distribution of teachers in the Indonesian education system.
Last, but perhaps most importantly, the Study also indicates the urgent need to strengthen support and supervision of the teaching and learning process. Regular and focused visits by district level offi cials such as district supervisors play a critical role in providing the teacher with professional respect as well as encouraging attendance and eff ective teaching in the classroom. The role of the school principal, the district education offi cer as well as the community in tracking and recording teacher absenteeism needs to be greatly enhanced.

Item Type: Book
Subjects: Pendidikan > Kebijakan Umum Kemendikbud > Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Pendidikan > Buku Sekolah
Divisions: Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan
Depositing User: Mrs Syafnelly Syafnelly
Date Deposited: 20 Sep 2018 04:00
Last Modified: 20 Sep 2018 04:00

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