Kharismawati, Limala Ratni Sri and Nirwansyah, Nirwansyah and Fauziah, Susi and Puspita, Rizma Angga and Gasalba, Reski Alam and Rabbani, Talitha Ardelia Syifa (2020) HOTS-Oriented module: discovery learning. [Teaching Resource]

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This module focuses on the application of learning model in learning activities that can stimulate students to think at the HOTS level. To provide an understanding of how to achieve the objectives of learning activities at the HOTS level, this module is divided into three parts: 1) The HOTS concept that is linked to learning objectives by referring to Bloom Anderson and Krathwohl’s Revised Taxonomy, and questioning strategies as a way to stimulate learners achieving HOTS, (2) The concept of HOTS-oriented learning models, and (3) The illustration of HOTS-oriented learning models in the form of a lesson plan that refers to Basic Competence (Kompetensi Dasar/KD) and Competence Indicators (Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi/IPK) following the Indonesian 2013 Curriculum. The first chapter describes HOTS concept, which refers to the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT) of Anderson and Krathwohl (2001), and can be achieved using questioning strategies. RBT clas-sifies learning objectives based on the cognitive process and knowledge dimension. The cog-nitive process dimension consists of remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evalu-ating, and creating. The second chapter introduces the discovery/text-based/project-based learning model to achieve 21st century learning and innovation skills, i.e., 4Cs (critical thinking and problem-solv-ing, communication, collaboration, and creativity) (P21, 2011). The third chapter presents illustration of the learning model using the lesson plan format fol-lowing the Indonesian 2013 Curriculum guidelines. This chapter consists of three parts, i.e., In-troduction, Formulating Competence Indicators, and Sample of Lesson Plan

Item Type: Teaching Resource
Subjects: Pendidikan > Pendidikan Tinggi
Pendidikan > Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan
Pendidikan > Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan > Modul Pembelajaran
Pendidikan > Sekolah
Divisions: Sekretariat Jenderal
Depositing User: Iin Astuti
Date Deposited: 18 Mar 2021 03:39
Last Modified: 18 Mar 2021 03:39

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