Bakrun, M and Khurniawan, Arie Wibowo and Widjajanti, Chrismi and Rivai, Muklas (2019) Vocational education policy white paper vol. 1 nomor 1 tahun 2019 : evaluasi nilai ujian nasional Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan tahun 2017/2018 di Indonesia. Working Paper. Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, Jakarta.

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The National Examination (UN) is one of the government's efforts in order to spur improvement in the quality
of education. In addition to the UN function to measure and assess education. In addition to the UN function to
measure and assess the achievement of graduate competencies in certain subjects and mapping the quality of
education, especially at the level of Vocational High School. In addition, the National Examination also functions as a
motivator for relevant parties to work better to achieve good exam results. Evaluation of the results of the National
Examination (UN) especially Vocational Schools is used as one of the considerations for mapping the quality of
education, determining the graduation of students and the national curriculum is a standard and reference to improve
the quality of national education and determine the direction of education development policy. The purpose of this
study is to analyze and evaluate the results of the Vocational National Examination for 2017/2018 and
Recommendation solutions as the basis for making a policy strategy for SMK. The method used in this study is
descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and cluster analysis. Based on the analysis, the Vocational National
Examination scores in 2018 are mostly in the Less category or with a value of less than 50, except for Indonesian
subjects in the sufficient category. Material and indicators on English subjects, mathematics needs to be improved
because the mastery value is below 50%. In Indonesian language subjects the material and indicators are improved
regarding students' understanding. The policy strategy that must be done is that the teacher must strive to improve
student understanding. Student knowledge related to weaknesses or strengths of subjects. Then the determination of
the exam schedule should be English and math subjects should not be close or together.

Item Type: Monograph (Working Paper)
Subjects: Pendidikan > Kebijakan Umum Kemendikbud > Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Pendidikan > Sekolah > Sekolah Kejuruan
Depositing User: Mr Chaidir Amir
Date Deposited: 11 Apr 2020 23:16
Last Modified: 11 Apr 2020 23:16

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