Setyastuti, Ari and Prasetyo, Bambang and Hadiyanta, Ign. Eko and Pramastuti, Herni and Ikaputra, Ikaputra and Sunaryo, Imam and Putra, Indung Panca and Susetyo, Jarwo and Adhisakti, Larena and Darmoestopo, Riboet and Margareta, Rita and Subroto, Subroto and Atmosudiro, Sumijati and Haryono, Timbul (2014) Mosaic of culture heritage Yogyakarta. Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya Yogyakarta, Jakarta.

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In each and every part of Indonesia there are objects of cultural heritage that deliver a message to the next generations that a certain form of life with a
prominent culture was in existence there. This is also true about Jogjakarta. The Jogjakarta Special Region, situated in the middle of Java Island, is one of the
33 provinces of Indonesia. The region forms an imaginary triangle, with Mount Merapi in the north as its peak, and the Indian Ocean in the south as its base. The region is bordered by Kabupaten Wonogiri in the south-east, Kabupaten Klaten in the north-east, Kabupaten Magelang in the north-west, and Kabupaten Purworejo in the south-west.
Jogjakarta is situated between 7°33' and 8°1 5' southern longitude and 110°-100° 52' eastern latitude, with an area of 3,1 85.81 km2 (31 8,577 hectares), comprising four regencies, namely Sleman, Gunung Kidul, Bantul, Kulon Progo, and one municipality, Kota Jogjakarta. Morphologically the region is aligned as follows

Item Type: Book
Subjects: Pendidikan > Kebudayaan
Pendidikan > Kebudayaan > Cagar Budaya
Pendidikan > Kebudayaan > Kampung Adat
Pendidikan > Kebudayaan > Candi
Divisions: Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan > Sekretariat Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan > BPCB D.I.Yogyakarta
Depositing User: Sekretariat Ditjen Kebudayaan
Date Deposited: 30 Mar 2019 05:07
Last Modified: 30 Mar 2019 05:07

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