Nugraha, Suwita (2014) Menengok kembali lokasi "Fauna von koeningswald" di Bumiayu. Jurnal Sangiran (3). pp. 15-28.

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Bumiayu site situated about 9 km North of Bumiayu sub-District, Brebes, Central Java, has been known as mammals fosils discovery of various kinds since 1920s. These discovery indicates how great potential and the importance of the area in understanding of ancient faunal and environtmental evolution during Late Pliocene until Pleistocene in Java. The information of fossils found in Bumiayu mostly obtained from researches on 1900s, and until now research in the site rarely done so that no additional data and information in this site. The kinds of mammals fossils founding so far possibility has not been described a complete mammals that lived in the past in this area. Until now Hominid and its culture remains has not been found, therefore not yet known decisively about life and cultural varieties in Bumiayu Site at that time.
Survey was done with expectation of first, new data are the findings of genus Elephas sp. And not yet emerged in biostratigraphic unit of Cisaat fauna. Next research deeply on Kaliglagah, Mengger, and Gintung Formation are necessary.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Pendidikan > Kebudayaan
Pendidikan > Kebudayaan > Cagar Budaya
Pendidikan > Kebudayaan > Penelitian kebudayaan
Divisions: Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan > Sekretariat Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan > Balai Pelestarian Situs Manusia Purba Sangiran
Depositing User: Ilma Avitrianti
Date Deposited: 27 Mar 2017 08:29
Last Modified: 27 Mar 2017 08:29

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